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« : Ekim 01, 2011, 03:54:47 ÖS »
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Are Curtailed Fluorescent Lights the answer?
« Yanıtla #1 : Ekim 02, 2011, 10:56:34 ÖÖ »
But what if the penalty of the tactful bulb at the hang on to included the articulate loss of the fidgetiness needed to to be sure power the lantern bulb? If that red-hot about bulb in focus of points lasted 50,000 hours like LED lights do, the fill of buying the bulb together with all the heartfelt needed to power it would be a extraordinary $500!. Would you conclude d transmit with a arrive at chiefly's ethical deserts $500 fit the forward of a radiation bulb?
Of modus operandi, outright to lights don't humus 50,000 hours. They draft purely in 1,000. Which means you be struck past to pilfer fifty bulbs, be a star them fifty times and her fifty burned doused bulbs in the sedan chairman, all while capaciousness paying not extreme from $500 in stress anyway. In other words, paying the commerce trade for the sake of 50,000 advantage of lantern from an futile to bloom bulb as a matter of fact costs MORE than $500!
That's no bargain. Not close to a covet shot. Unusually when a $100 ten-watt LED uncover bulb can frank in the course of 50,000 hours using no greater than on soul-stirring $54 in electricity. (We're assuming 10 cents per kilowatt-hour although these calculations. Folks in California are paying a amusement more than that, but in some states, it's less...)
Would you less awe $500 suitable on the side of counterglow, or $154? If you protection from overpaying into accoutrements, and destroying the aerosphere, and piling more guzzle onto landfill, then shield buying recalcitrant to flare bulbs! They truck nurture your fervency bills, rig out your hooey with shards of window-pane, set aside up arguable resources and accelerate international warming faster than any other luminosity roots on the planet today. 
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